Advanced Welding
Advanced Welding is a more in-depth study of the field of Welding. Welding applications will include Advanced Stick Electrode Arc Welding. Advanced Oxy-Acetylene welding, MIG Welding, TIG Welding, Basic Cutting Techniques. A review of basic welding in a flat position, shop safety (both general and specifically for the welding shop), basic bronze welding techniques, and basic metallurgy will be discussed. The student should have good basic skills before taking the course. Students will be required to complete a number of weld samples as assigned by the instructor.
Course Information
Required / Elective
Course Length
Credit Hours
Prerequisite Class(s)
It is recommended that a student earned a minimum of a "B" in Intro to Welding to enroll in this course
9-12 Grade
Other Notes
Students may take Advanced Welding once. Students will be required to wear safety glasses, welding gloves, and appropriate protective clothing suitable for welding. (Jeans, Boots, Safety Glasses, Welding Gloves, 100% Long Sleeve Cotton Shirt).