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Equipment and Facilities Calendars

Equipment and Facilities Calendars

Staff members can view these calendars by clicking on the links below. Some calendars you have edit rights. If you want the calendars to appear in your Google Apps,  you will need to subscribe to them.

Note: All of these calendars can be viewed by All staff in the nsdtitans.org Google Domain.

Those calendars that staff have edit rights for-- Please be careful to not delete items on the calendar that others have posted!

Need help?  This document will assist you with adding these calendars to your Google Calendar

The Following Calendars are available to the public: 

Activity Calendars

All Norris School Activities (View for public) (Andrew Carlson Manager)

Middle School Athletic's Calendar (View for public) (Andrew Carlson Manager)

You can add all of the district activities and athlet calendars from this page. 

Lunch Calendars:

School Breakfast (View for public)

MS School Lunch (View for public)

HS School Lunch (View for public)

The Following Calendars are only available to Norris Staff:

Computer Labs:

 MS Mobile Labs:

iPad MS Media Center Cart - MS  (View for all staff) (Cart of 32 iPad 2 units) (Edit for MS staff) (Picked up through Media Center)

 VR and Google Expeditions Mobile Lab - VR Cart (View for all staff)  (Edit for MS staff) (Picked up through Media Center)

HS Mobile Labs:

iPad HS Media Center Cart - HS (Sci units)  -  (View for all staff) (Cart of 30 iPad AIR 1 units) (Edit for HS staff) (Picked up through Media Center)

Note: Our wireless mobile carts are equipped with Chromebooks for Google Docs and other web-based applications and sites. 

Computer resources not officially scheduled:

Library Resources:

HS Library (8 computers) (View for all staff) (Edit for HS staff) (Reservation for Media Center)

MS Library (8 Computers) (Edit for all staff) (Reservation for Media Center)

Building Use Calendars:

Note: all of these Building use calendars are view only for staff:
Patti Wieskamp, Phil Severson, and Mitchell Stine have edit rights to all of these calendars. There are some additional editors for specific calendars, as noted below.

Aerobics Room

Auditorium Calendar  (Wes Hansmeyer)

Board Room (Contact Central Office Secretaries to Schedule) 

East Field

Elementary Gym (Elem Principal & Asst. Principal are additional managers)

Elementary MP Room 

Elementary Field (Elem Principal & Asst. Principal are additional managers)

Football Field

HS Conference Room (HS Staff View only) (Nate Seggerman and Ruby Duenk are additional managers)

HS E1 (HS Principal & Asst. HS Principal are additional manages) 

HS South Gym 

HS MP Room (HS Principal & Asst. HS Principal are additional manages)

HS North Gym

HS W1 (HS Principal & Asst. HS Principal are additional manages)

MS Commons Area (MS Principal and Asst. Principal are additional managers)

MS Outside Field

MS Performance Gym

Intermediate Field (IS Principal and Asst. Principal are additional managers)

Intermediate School Conference Room (IS Principal, IS Asst. Principal & IS office secretaries are additional managers)

Intermediate School Gym


Softball Field

South Field

West Field

Wrestling Deck

Faculty Calendars

High School Staff Calendar (Owned by HS Principal )

Middle School Staff Calendar (Owned by Britany Hajek)

Other Calendars:

Admin Team Calendar (Edit by Administrators, view only by secretaries.) (Must be invited to have this calendar in Google Apps.)

Early Childhood Special Education (View for all staff) (Edit by selected staff)

Guidance Calendar & Scholarships (Edit by guidance staff)

Kindergarten  (Jenny Piening Owner)