Norris Parent Teacher Organization

Who We Are
Every Norris parent/guardian of a student in the elementary, intermediate, or middle school is a member of PTO--we want you to be an ACTIVE member!
Please join us for monthly PTO meetings—generally, the first Monday of every other month (Sept, Nov, Jan, March, May)—at 7:00 p.m. in the Elementary Library/Media Center, meetings only last about an hour. We also have an online attendance option available if you're unable to attend in person.
Interested in volunteering? Fill out the form here: Volunteer Interest Form
Questions? Contact to message the PTO Executive Board!
Follow us on Facebook (we’re Norris 160 PTO!) for all the latest information!
PTO Bylaws (updated 3.07.22)
2023-24 Board Members
- Shanda Monaghan, Co-President
- Diana Lueders, Co-President
- Mikayla Wicks, Secretary
- Kari Foote, Treasurer
- Jennifer Schall, Elementary School Board Member at Large
- Theresa Anderson, Intermediate Board Member at Large
- Jessica Collins, Middle School Board Member at Large
- Trista Stewart, Immediate Past Board Member (advisory position)
What We Do
Students & Families:
- Student directories
- Memory books
- Titan Fun Run (with participation prizes for all ES & IS students)
- Craft Fair
- Family fun nights
- Apparel sales
- Special projects & classroom extras
- Elementary/Intermediate playground equipment
- Annual PTO scholarships
Teachers & Staff:
- Teacher & staff appreciation treats
- Annual teacher wish lists
- Parent teacher conference meals
PTO Craft Fair
One of the Norris PTO's most popular events is the annual fall Norris Craft Fair! Stay tuned for the date for the fall 2024 fair! This free-admission event typically runs from 9 am - 3 pm and featured 150+ booths in 2023! Interested vendors, sign up information will be available in early April!
Follow the Craft Fair's Facebook page for more information!
PTO Titan Fun Run
Lace up and join the fun during Norris PTO's Annual Spring Fundraiser! The FUN RUN will take place during the school day on May 14th!
Event overview: Norris Elementary & Intermediate students will run/walk around the Norris track and participate in fun field games throughout the day. Closer to the event, we'll have a schedule for each grade's activities throughout the day.
Every child gets to participate. Pledge collection takes place in spring (we've moved to fully online donations)!
Volunteer opportunities will be available, including running/walking with your child's class, helping with first aid or water stations, and supervising field games.
Check back for more details as we get closer to the event!