Yearbook is an elective course for 9th-12th grade students. In order to enroll in the course, students must complete the application form (required for new Yearbook Staff, 10th-12th app | 8th Grade App) and be approved. Selection is based on teacher references, student motivation, experience, and conflicts. Students selected for Yearbook are involved with all aspects of the production of the Yearbook. This includes theme selection (cover and page design) overall layout (design, copy, captions, and headlines), photography, and marketing. In addition to these duties, students also learn lifelong skills, such as meeting deadlines and working with others. Students are also exposed to technology by using high-quality, professional cameras, an online design program, as well as Adobe Photoshop for basic photo editing. Once students are accepted into the program they have the option to continue taking the course each year, unless either the advisor or student decides to terminate the membership.