Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration

Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration
Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration
Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration
Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration
Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration

Norris TeamMates Program hosts year-end celebration

Norris TeamMates Program hosted a year-end celebration for over 120 mentors, mentees, board members, and their families on April 26. Everyone enjoyed a meal from Raising Canes. After the meal, board members and mentors were recognized. Chris Anderson from the TeamMates Central Office and Norris graduate shared about the program's impact on students. The highlight of the evening as always is when each mentee introduced themselves, their mentor, and shared something they liked about being involved with Teammates. Speaking in front of a large group is a challenge that over 20 mentees in grades 3-12 experienced. Mentees were able to choose a piece of Norris apparel. After the meal, mentees and several mentors divided into teams and enjoyed playing several games including separate M&Ms into cups by color, stacking candy on popsicle sticks held in their mouth, stringing foot loops on pipe cleaners and seeing how many sticky notes could be placed on a face. The year-end celebration was a great reminder of the impact this phenomenal program has on both mentors and mentees. Thank you to the Norris Teammates board, mentors, mentees & families.

Norris TeamMates is celebrating its 16th year of making a difference for Norris Students, one student at a time. There are currently over 60 matches in grades 3-12. This year’s mentees include three seniors.

Norris is always looking for new mentors. To make a difference for a Norris student and to get more information on how to become a mentor, contact Mary Ann at or 402-791-0040 or go to