Encourage Titans and Invest in Their Future, Skilled & Technical Science (STS) Endowment
In the fall of 2022, the Norris School District STS Advisory Board started an endowment through the Norris School District Foundation. The Skilled and Technical Science (STS) Endowment is a permanent account whose assets are invested to generate an ongoing source of income year after year. Only earnings from this investment will be used to support the Norris School District STS Department and Norris students. Students pursuing post-secondary education or their teaching degree in a Skilled and Technical Science area will be eligible for scholarships. This endowment may also fund technology and equipment improvements. This investment in skilled and technical students will ensure they have the means to contribute to the ever-growing labor needs.
The endowment is in its third year, and at this time, the balance is $34,250. Two scholarships were awarded to 2024 graduating seniors Brooklyn Ivy and Marcus Chelton. Brooklyn will attend SCC-Milford in Non-Destructing Testing, and Marcus will attend SCC-Milford in auto repair. It is hoped that with donations this year and interest received, we will award three $500 scholarships to 2025 graduating seniors.
These scholarships are awarded to seniors with intentions of attending post-secondary education at a two or four-year tech school or college. Areas include but are not limited to engineering, architecture, construction, HVAC, machine tool, welding, and automotive. Students may also be eligible if they pursue a teaching degree in a Skilled and Technical Science area.
Many of you have donated in the past, and the endowment committee hopes you will donate again in the future to grow the principle. We will always welcome new donations to add to the principle. As of January 1, 2025, the endowment has received $5,750 to add to the previous amount.
For more information, you can contact:
- Kyle Brozek, Norris Skilled and Technical Science Instructor - kyle.brozek@nsdtitans.org
- Jack Jenkins, Norris School District 160 STS Advisory Board Member - jack.jenkinswhs74@gmail.com