Board of Education appoints Meese

Board of Education appoints Meese
Board of Education appoints Meese

Board of Education appoints Meese

Please welcome Steph Meese as Norris School District's newly appointed board member for Ward 2.

Occupation:  Legal Counsel, Nebraska Legislative Audit Office

Education:  Harvard High School, Harvard, NE
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska College of Law

Family: Husband, John; daughter, Allie; and son, Max

Comments on Board service:
Norris is an exceptional school district. After serving on the Norris PTO board for several years, I’m honored to be a member of the Norris School Board. As the child and grandchild of educators, I recognize the important role a School Board plays in supporting the success of a school district. I look forward to being a diligent steward of district resources and an educated and informed advocate for the district’s students, staff, and patrons, helping to ensure that Norris remains welcoming and safe for all.